Beyond these two obvious ways of saving cereal dollars,
the big question remains. Is there a cereal conspiracy which
is ripping off consumers? Rep Charles Schumer (D.NY)
recently asked Attorney General Janet Reno to lead an
investigation into the cereal companies to see why cereals
cost so much. Thus far, Janet Reno's office has not given
word whether or not such an investigation will take place.
In a modest effort to save our tax dollars, we urge
Janet Reno not to launch an investigation. Here are
selections of a letter by Bill Crawford which appeared in the
New York Times on October 29, 1994.
"There is no conspiracy among cereal manufacturers to
keep prices high.
"Investigators have tried for decades to uncover
skulduggery in the cereal business. In 1915 Federal trust
busters sued Quaker Oats for monopoly practices designed "to
lay a nation's breakfast table under tribute." The court
ruled in favor of Quaker Oats.
"In 1972 the Federal Trade Commission mounted another
legal campaign against cereal makers, accusing them of
collusion and vast consumer overcharge. After 10 years and
35,000 pages of testimony, the F.T.C. was poured out of
"The Attorney General of New York State is waging yet
another courtroom battle against the cereal industry, which
will undoubtedly prove once again that the selling of cereal
is a tough and competitive business.
"Consumers are to blame for high cereal prices.
Inexpensive, private-label cereals are widely available.
They just don't sell well. People want more than a generic,
wholesome breakfast from the cereal box - they want
entertainment as well."
Since that letter was written, the Attorney General's
case was decided in favor of the cereal manufacturers.
According to the opinion issued by the New York U. S.
District Court on February 22, 1995, "Over the 1989-1993
period, ready-to-eat cereal prices net of coupons (the price
consumers actually paid) increased by 6.6 percent, while the
food-at-home consumer price index rose 12.8 percent and the
consumer price index for all items rose 16.5 percent."
The fact is that the high price of cereal is a myth - a
widespread, beloved myth, but a myth just the same. Like
Babe the Blue Ox or Pecos Bill's tornado ride, stories about
high priced cereal have circulated among Americans since
cereal was first introduced in the late 19th century.
Luckily, we have yet to hear stories about albino cereal
living in the sewers of New York. But cereal continues to be
the stuff American consumers love to hate.
Are we being paid by the cereal companies to say this?
We wish!! Please!! Unfortunately, this is just the truth,
revealed after extensive research.
Send comments, and other cereal myths, to
Bill Crawford